We are a Chester based charity started in 2017, offering counselling and play therapy support to families; adults (parents/carers), children and young people living in relative poverty who are experiencing mental health issues. We focus on families rather than individuals and believe that improving a parent's mental health can have a significant impact on their children.
Me2 Club
Our first grant from The Pixel Fund will play a key role in enabling children, with wide ranging additional needs and disabilities, to return to the leisure activities they love, safely and confidently!
‘Lessons Learnt From Lockdown’, the largest report on the impact of covid on disabled children, states the focus of their recovery should be re-engaging socially, getting used to being back in a routine, gaining confidence in peer relationships and having fun.
The Autism Group
The Woodland Centre Trust (Camp Mohawk)
We are very grateful to The Pixel Fund for its grant towards the costs of our Open Sessions project. During open sessions special schools and day centres that educate and care for children with special needs bring groups of up to 16 for play and learning – supported by both their own staff and Camp Mohawk’s own support staff. There are currently 42 schools and centres from a wide geographical area registered to visit - with many more requesting places.
You Raise Me Up
The Listening Place
Dorset Mind
Mind in Camden Voice Collective Project
Key Changes
Key Changes promotes positive mental health through music - supporting people with a wide range of mental health challenges, including the most severe conditions. Our award-winning music industry informed programmes were specially developed to engage young adults from Black, Mixed and other ethnic minority backgrounds, who are significantly overrepresented in experiencing mental illness.
Yurt at Mudlarks Forest School
Mudlarks are delighted to have received funding from the Pixel Trust to purchase a yurt for our Forest School. This 20 ft yurt will be able to accommodate the largest of groups as it seats up to 30 people. It is a much needed addition to our forest school and means we can offer a warm dry place to shelter in cold and wet weather. The yurt will also act as a very reassuring visible focal point for our children and young people to return to after enjoying exploring the woodland, and a hub for all to meet up in at break times.
The Garden Classroom (TGC)
Forest school is a programme that works with children in green spaces to develop personal, social and emotional life skills through learner led, hands on experiences. The Garden Classroom’s Urban Forest School programme aims to bring these vital benefits of to children who need them most. Working in areas of high deprivation, The Garden Classroom (TGC) works to make regular forest school sessions accessible to children who may otherwise not have the opportunity.
Home-Start Craven
Venture Trust
Sirona Therapeutic Horsemanship
Sirona Therapeutic Horsemanship is a small charity based in Devon providing equine-assisted therapeutic and educational activities to vulnerable young people who have suffered adverse childhood experiences or have other support needs, such as those with mental health issues, difficulties at school, autistic spectrum, ADHD or other challenges.
Sunbeams Play
Sunbeams is a charity that supports children and young people with autism, their siblings, families, parents and carers by providing groups dedicated to siblings and young carers and regular respite sessions for all of its members.
One of Sunbeams main areas of work is to develop life & social skills, which help our children & young people towards independence as they transition in to adulthood.
Sport in Mind
Sport in Mind is the UK’s leading mental health sports charity delivering physical activity (sport, walking, dance and movement, gardening and exercise sessions) in order to aid recovery, promote mental wellbeing, improve physical health, combat social isolation and empower people to move their lives forward in a positive direction.