Teapot Trust SCIO

With expertise in the delivery of art therapy, Teapot Trust has developed small peer group sessions online (in response to the pandemic) for children with shared chronic/physical conditions and lived experience. The groups are tiered to meet escalating needs – typically for children who are struggling to accept a diagnosis and/or clinical treatments. Being alongside others who understand what they are going through is enormously beneficial as it helps them to see beyond themselves and make mutually supportive friendships. Another key benefit is that the art therapist can more easily “hold and contain” each child emotions in a group where there are shared needs. This ensures the therapy is drawn to a safe conclusion at the end of each session. With a tried and tested model, the charity is scaling up the work so that many more children and young people can benefit. These include those living with Juvenile Arthritis (JIA), Diabetes, Kidney Disease and Cystic Fibrosis.

“Art therapy was a good way to express my feelings. I enjoyed doing it but most of all it helped me understand all those feelings that were hidden for such a long time”. Young Person

“…Jess is loving her art therapy with you. Some of the things you talk about she tells me, others she keeps to herself which is fine. Just very happy she is talking! These have been a great help to her on her journey and I am very appreciative.” Parent

The Pixel Fund grant is enabling the charity to provide 8 blocks of 8-12 week one hour art therapy sessions to benefit 56 individuals.