The Garden Classroom (TGC)

Forest school is a programme that works with children in green spaces to develop personal, social and emotional life skills through learner led, hands on experiences. The Garden Classroom’s Urban Forest School programme aims to bring these vital benefits of to children who need them most. Working in areas of high deprivation, The Garden Classroom (TGC) works to make regular forest school sessions accessible to children who may otherwise not have the opportunity. Out trained facilitators use green spaces local to the school, taking classes out on a weekly basis to immerse themselves in nature. In the sessions children build confidence, self esteem and resilience through forest school experiences such as fire lighting, den building and natural art.
Following lock down, the positive impacts of forest school are needed more than ever. Children living in Islington (where TGC is based) has the forth highest level of child poverty in the country. This combined with other social issues and the isolation of consecutive lock downs means many children in the borough are suffering from mental health issues, with little opportunity to have regular interaction with the natural world. To address this, the Pixel Fund’s grant will enable the Garden Classroom to work with 3 schools to offer free Urban Forest School “taster” sessions. These sessions will give 90 children the fantastic benefits that Forest School can offer, as well as a chance for the schools to see the positive impact the programme brings to their student’s well-being. The Garden Classroom will also support the 3 schools to identify ways to fundraise for future sessions so that forest school becomes a regular part of their education.