Oakleaf Enterprise

Oakleaf delivers support for people in Surrey suffering any mental illness and has done so for 25 years.  We provide work-related training, counselling and a wide- ranging social activity programme.   

The Pixel Fund is helping us with funding to support our younger clients, aged 16 to 25.   In 2020 we launched a specific support group for this age group as part of our response to the pandemic, recognising the huge challenges facing young people with mental illness.  This group meets weekly – remotely when necessary but face-to-face whenever possible.  

In addition to this specialist group, young people are also welcomed to all other elements of Oakleaf’s services.  To do so effectively, we provide additional support, a member of our Client Services team specialising in supporting younger clients, offering guidance and overseeing each young person’s engagement with us.  We are hugely grateful to The Pixel Fund for funding this role.