We are so grateful to the Trustees of the Pixel Fund for their support of our work supporting families who are caring for a seriously ill child. When a child is diagnosed with a terminal illness, family life is turned upside down and their lives are changed forever. Rainbow Trust supports families through this crisis, pairing each family with a dedicated Family Support Worker to provide practical and emotional support to help them cope with each new day. Rainbow Trust support can include; included driving families to and from hospital and taking siblings to school. Supporting families in hospital, supporting brothers and sisters, supporting the sick child, emotional support for parents as well as bereavement support.
"What makes Rainbow Trust so different from other organisations is that it's focused on the whole family. Life would be so much harder without their support in our lives. It enables us to stay together as a family". A mum supported by Rainbow Trust.
For many families Rainbow Trust offers a vital lifeline that can make the difference between a family coping with their child’s illness, or falling apart – it gives parents choices that might otherwise not exist and means that all family members experience support which is tailored specifically for them, when and where they need it.
We believe it’s about time that every child affected by serious illness has the mental health support that they need, and we are delighted that the Pixel Fund share this belief and have decided to support our work.