Revive MS Support

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Most people think of MS as the most common neurological condition affecting young people of working age. But this overlooks the estimated 10% of people with MS who develop the condition during childhood, many of which are either left undiagnosed or, once diagnosed, receive very little support.

The consequences of this can be quite devastating: their symptoms can deteriorate quickly; they are at greater risk of permanent brain damage and of developing physical disabilities; and they often live with chronic depression, anxiety and other life-changing symptoms.

Through a grant of £5,000 The Pixel Fund is supporting our efforts to change this dynamic for current and future generations of young people affected by MS. These are focused on: raising awareness of the early symptoms of MS and encouraging earlier referral; developing a dedicated care pathway to get them the symptom-management support they need – early support helps to manage (and can even prevent) unnecessary pain and suffering, delay disability progression, stabilise mental health and improve quality of life; and to establish group support that will bring young people with MS together, making them feel heard and connected and providing access to specialist support.

This will greatly help young people like Gemma (22), who is yet to receive a confirmed diagnosis of MS but has lived with MS symptoms since the age of 14, including anxiety, depression, balance problems, severe cramp and foot drop. Since turning to Revive in March 2019, she has received regular intensive support, helping to bring her symptoms under control and equipping her to cope with the psychological and physical impact of the condition: “I can’t emphasise enough that I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Revive.” (image and details used with permission)

Our early intervention programme will completely change the lives of more young people, like Gemma. MS may still be incurable but its impact on their day-to-day lives and future prospects will be minimised through our new programme, made possible by the support of The Pixel Fund.

On behalf of Revive MS Support