Young Onset Dementia Support Groups

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St George’s Hospital Charity makes a real difference to patients at St George’s and Queen Mary’s hospitals in southwest London, providing extra items to enhance the lives of thousands of people every year. Everything we do focuses on making the hospitals better in order to improve peoples’ experiences - funding hi-tech new medical equipment the NHS cannot afford, ground-breaking research, support groups for those living with chronic conditions, arts, musical therapies, and more.

Young Onset Dementia Support Groups

The grant will help us to run twelve meetings a year for patients with young onset dementia. There is a strong need for the support groups as it helps people to show that they are not alone; that others face the same challenge of diagnosis of dementia while still young. People with young onset dementia feel an outsider in groups of older people with dementia and there is the possibility of sharing ideas for coping if given the opportunity to be with other younger people.