Bazaar – A Marketplace for the Mind


The Open Door Centre is thrilled to be granted £2,500 by The Pixel Fund who's progressive approach to funding and supportive role throughout the application process is not only refreshing but fills us with a great deal of confidence whilst we look forward to working closely with the team over the grant period.


The Fund is supporting our charity at a vital time where we have made substantial headway in enabling immediate and effective mental health support to be accessed by an increasing number of young people at our home, Bloom Building, on Wirral in Merseyside. This is a region with varied, complex socio-economic needs and the service is accessed by a large majority of beneficiaries living in the the highest 1% most deprived constituencies in England.


We will be using this grant funding to pilot our programme 'Bazaar – A Marketplace for the Mind' an online, mentor-led cognitive behavioural and mindfulness-based therapy intervention we have developed and successfully been using with our members for nearly 2 years. This has demonstrated successful outcomes and merges clinical, evidence-based interventions with a humanistic, informal, volunteer mentor-led model where beneficiaries receive 8 weeks of structured support for 1 hour a week. The funding comes at a crucial stage in Bazaar's development and will enable us to pilot the programme and model on an outreach basis to ensure we reach more young people locally with longer term views to take this nationally. We will be partnering with organisations that work with beneficiaries where there is a real need for immediate mental health support in a collaborative approach that will enhance their offering and also enable us to further our reach of work with our exciting, innovative mental health programme.

On behalf of The Open Door Centre